Our Story

Wilson James was born out of recruitment experiences that….well, didn’t inspire confidence in the integrity or value of the recruiting profession. As most everyone in the accounting field knows, you hear from recruiters and you hear from them often.

In fact, you hear some pretty funny things about positions they think you’ll be a good fit for when they might be way off the mark. It almost makes you think they don’t actually understand the field they’re recruiting for…

I was led through the process by pushy salespeople where their motivation was readily apparent. It was transactional to them and a life decision for me. It was getting calls as a hiring manager where no value was offered. They were simply a resume forwarder.

In 2018 after gaining a bit of experience in the industry with another agency, I started what has now become Wilson James. We focus exclusively on serving CPA firms in the United States. For the most part we work with small and mid-sized CPA firms that are breaking the traditional mold to provide innovative services in their markets. Through our work with firms all across the country, we’ve gotten to know the typical roles, the software, the seasons, the stresses, and strengths of progressive, forward-thinking CPA firm. 

We get to know the owners of the firms we work with and find they often get little attention from the big names in recruitment and the attention they do receive is with “B” candidates they couldn’t place elsewhere. That hasn’t been us, and it never will. We provide boutique, innovative recruitment services to meet the needs of CPA firm owners: sharp, qualified talent that can do more and do it efficiently.

You’ve worked to build your firm and provide the opportunity. We work to find the people looking for your exact type of opportunity and workplace.  

And in case you’re wondering about the name Wilson James, there are no people involved by the name Wilson or James…or at least not exactly. The inspiration is not too deep of a secret, but you will have to get to know us to find out the details!

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